Greenfield Festive Grape Herbal Tea

festive grape, herbal tea, herbal infusion, teacup and saucer, teapot, tea, dried apple, rosehip, hibiscus

The first thing to spring to mind when I saw this tea was a hot blackcurrant drink, and with that appeal, I could not pass it up, especially considering I had never tasted a grape tea before now.

Conjured from the strong red grape flavour are recollections of Merlot and Cabernet from a red period, lived perhaps too long, of my old wine days. This flavour, of course, is quite different from that of wine: sweet, pleasant, soft.

Present is a slight spicy tickle in the after-taste. A very short-lived tingle, I suspect created by tarty apples. Within the blurb you will find

“fine sweetness of dried apples sounds in harmony with mild rosehip flavour and the piquant acidity of hibiscus is softened by warm aroma of red grapes in the full festive flavour.”

Perhaps I was mistaken. It may be the Hibiscus providing the ever-slight tingle. Nevertheless, the apple flavour is vividly present, though overpowered by the much more vivid grape. Little else can be distinguished amongst the two.

The blurb also suggests the option of serving cold. I imagine it could make for a wonderful iced tea, perhaps even rivaling the hot alternative, without a doubt on a summer’s day or warming spring afternoon.

Are there other Grape infusions that have eluded me?

I shall keep an eye open. After all, I am rather fond of Grapes.